Measurements are all expressed in millimetres. These measurements are always taken at the most extreme point, eg. on an armoire, the width includes the overhanging top cornice on each end.
A stock identification number appears on each product page. Please use this number when requesting further information on an item. All pieces are of French origin unless otherwise stated. Dates of manufacture given are as precise as can be determined. If a piece is representative of a certain stylistic period and made within that period, this will be included in the description. eg. Louis XV Buffet. However, should a piece be of a certain style but made after the original period in which that style was manufactured, it will be described as of a particular style, eg. Louis XVI-style chair. This will always be accompanied by a circa date, referring to the period the piece was actually made.
From Latin, meaning ‘around’ or ‘about’), used when the dates of events or a period are not accurately known.
A thin surface layer that develops and forms on a piece because of use, age, or chemical action.
In English a commode is a toilet. In French it means a chest of drawers. The term originates in the vocabulary of French furniture from about 1700, originating from the concept of a cabinet in which to store one’s ‘commodities’. It was usually a veneered piece much wider than it was high, raised on high or low legs. Marble tops have been standard on more formal French commodes since their invention in the late 17th century.
A box for holding money, blankets or other valuables. Essentially the forerunner to the commode.
A tall piece of furniture that usually has two doors and that is
used to store things (such as clothes) usually known as a tall cupboard or wardrobe
Relating to a style of architecture and art originating in Italy in the early 17th century characterized by the free and sculptural use of extravagantly ornate, florid, and convoluted forms or style.
A style of architecture and decoration, originating in France about 1720, evolved from Baroque types and distinguished by its elegant refinement in using different materials for a delicate overall effect and by its ornament of shellwork, foliage, etc.